One of my favourite early childhood memories is sitting inside of our small sauna with all of my siblings and pumping ourselves up for the mad dash outside and into the snow for a quick roll-around and then heading back in to the glorious heat of the sauna to slowly defrost. Saunas have always been a part of our family and unbeknownst to me as a 4 year old boy was that my father had just purchased a small Canadian Sauna Manufacturing company called Homecraft alongside a long time friend. 

My father ended up selling out of the company within a few years but the love of the sauna never left us as we always seemed to have a traditional sauna installed in every home we lived in. In 2002 as an 18 year old kid out of high school I worked for short stints at Homecraft, helping in different areas of the shop, seeing how a Sauna heater is made and falling in love with the smell of a wood shop fully stocked with Canadian Western Red Cedar.

Life seems to have moved fast over the past 20 years, with marriage, children, career, and after living abroad for 14 years upon our return to Vancouver in April 2021 major life choices had to be made. A few months into our return to Vancouver my brother approached me with the opportunity to buy Homecraft Saunas, the company my father once owned, the long lasting positive memories associated with the Sauna and the the opportunity to own a unique business were to  much to turn down and we were able to come to an agreement and purchased the company February 1st of this year. 

As new business owners there is that sense of excitement and anticipation as we plan and strategize for the future. We are one of just a few Canadian sauna manufacturers who know we are competing against far bigger and more established names in the North American market and yet at the heart of it all is the love of the Sauna. From the traditions established, the wonderful memories or the place of solitude the sauna is for many. Whatever it is for you we are excited for this opportunity to bring our saunas to many more people in the years to come so that they in turn will enjoy what we have bringing it full circle once again. 

So that is our story as of today and we look forward to writing the next chapters for Homecraft, for ourselves but for the many who will enjoy the beauty of the sauna through us. 

Kyle Wilson

Homecraft Saunas